Our ATLAS Products

Medication management solutions for efficient and safe medication administration in care homes across the UK

A simple and efficient way to access information and manage medication, fast and reliable and a great confidence boost to staff who rely on the system. 

Ronald Morris
Asquith Hall, Tower View Care Group
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A market-leading electronic medicines management system that allows care homes to manage their entire medicine process safely and efficiently.  

ATLAS eMAR Devices

We offer multiple solutions of handheld devices your care staff can use to evidence the care they are providing to residents. 

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ATLAS Pharmacy

Streamline your pharmacy operations and improve accuracy when dispensing medication to care homes.   

Person Centred Software’s Connected Care Platform

Connected Care is a suite of integrated solutions covering the full ecosystem of care management within social care. 

Solutions include care planning, medication management (eMAR), wellbeing and activities, care home operations, intelligent care & analytics. 

Within our connected platform, you can use one solution on its own, or you can use multiple that connect, all through a single device. Each area focuses on a particular part of the care ecosystem and when used together, provide a complete solution to improving outcomes for residents, improving the lives of care workers, and improving the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of a care setting. 

PCS Products

Speak to us today about our ATLAS Products and how they could work for you!