Designed to make administering medications safer
What issues did ATLAS eMAR resolve in the home?
Medication management has always been a passion of mine, especially when it comes to balancing medicine stock levels, which is an essential part of medicines management and plays a key part in the overall quality of service provided to care home residents.
During my previous employment, the home I worked at had faced scrutiny from the CQC (Care Quality Commission) due to discrepancies in medication balances and tallies. When I started my current role at Belvoir House, I noticed several medication-related issues that required immediate attention; I wanted to investigate these medication errors and come up with a solution to prevent them in the future. After thoroughly considering various options, I found eMAR software to be the most effective solution.
Attending the Norfolk Care Conference with the directors helped me convince them of the benefits of using eMAR software. Among a few other eMAR providers, ATLAS eMAR was present, and I've found it to be an absolute godsend so far! ATLAS stood out for me because of its wide range of capabilities. I'm happy the directors got on board with implementing the system because it has helped to increase our resident's safety and improve our compliance and care home efficiency.
What do you think it was that convinced the management team's decision?
The management team noticed that I spent a lot of time discussing medication errors and medication accounting with the team leaders each week. After looking into it further, they realised that using eMAR software was a much safer and more accurate way to administer our resident's medications.
They were impressed with how ATLAS worked and consulted with other care homes that had implemented the system to learn more about its numerous benefits, such as streamlining medication management processes, automating and speeding up the medication administration processes, saving time, and reducing medication errors. After several discussions, they were in and decided to implement the system straightaway!
Has the care team adapted well to the new eMAR software?
All the care staff has highly praised the system. Its effectiveness is much appreciated and has proven to be a valuable asset to our care home operations.
It's straightforward to use and easy to learn, and the staff who do the administration tell me how much it has cut down the time needed to do the medication rounds, which is excellent.
What has been the biggest improvement to the home since implementing ATLAS eMAR?
The biggest improvement would be the staff keeping on top of the low running stock. ATLAS is handy when managing stock levels; it ensures no overstocking and that medications don't run out.
ATLAS also helps enforce good practices and adhere to PRN policies. Stock ordering protocols, homely remedies, topical creams and controlled drug procedures are all enforced on the system, which helps to improve compliance and issues such as missing entries on MAR charts.
Would you recommend ATLAS to others?
A while ago, I attended a training day where I discussed eMAR software with several other care home managers. During our conversation, I shared with them why I had chosen ATLAS eMAR, such as its ease of use and efficiency. As a result, they are now considering using ATLAS eMAR in their own homes.
Sometimes, it's better to see how a product works in practice, so if anyone is interested in coming to the home and observing how well the system performs, please feel free to get in touch with me.
“The system has received high praise from all members of the care team. Its effectiveness has been instrumental in streamlining and improving our medication management processes.
The system's features have proven valuable, making it an indispensable tool for our daily routines.”
Sarah Stuttle, Operations Director
Belvoir House (Rhencullen Care Group)

Click here to learn how ATLAS eMAR helped DMP Healthcare save valuable time.