Sep 05, 2023

Happy World Pharmacists Day


Happy World Pharmacists Day to all the well-deserving pharmacists

World Health Day is one of the oldest health awareness days. Created in the 1950s, their theme changes every year, and this year it is “Pharmacists – simplifying your medicines use, no matter how complex.”

This is a day to celebrate our pharmacists and showcase their positive effect on the nation’s health. Titan knows all too well how pharmacies need to be better recognised for all the great care they give to their patients. Today is everyone’s chance to show their appreciation, to do something different, celebrate and promote pharmacy.

The CEO of Invatech Health, Tariq Muhammad knows about the need to recognise pharmacist’s pivotal role in healthcare having pioneered new services in pharmacy for the last 25 years. Through his experience, Invatech Health has created Titan, an innovative PMR system that gives control back to the pharmacists and frees time for more patient care.

Today Titan celebrates the huge opportunities that lie ahead for pharmacy. These opportunities can only be realised through effective technology which Titan now offers, giving control back to the pharmacist.

In just a short space of time, Titan’s trailblazer community has reported back how Titan is supporting their role as pharmacists. Steffan Rhys John said that after just 5 days of having Titan’s PMR installed, they are already seeing massive improvements to his pharmacy's workflow. “Titan is solving problems that have plagued community pharmacy for years, releasing staff time to focus on patient care. A huge leap forward in pharmacy IT” Steffan Rhys John (Superintendent Pharmacist, Fferyllwyr Llyn Cyf).

Prab Channa from Blenheim Pharmacy said, “the impact on my practice has already been dramatic – freeing up staff time, enabling us to focus more on patient care - improving accuracy, efficiency, and safety.”

This is the time to celebrate pharmacy and bring it into the 21st century.

September 5, 2023

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