The Social Care Sector is facing a major challenge with COVID-19. Not only does the sector look after the most vulnerable people in our society, the challenge of having enough trained staff to care for these individuals is now exacerbated by the necessary practice of self-isolation. The disruptions in the medicines supply network may also mean that essential medicines do not reach residents in care homes.
ATLAS eMAR, as the leading electronic medicines management supplier to the care and pharmacy sectors, has a responsibility to help and support the care of individuals in care homes and nursing homes. Therefore, in response, we offer support at different levels. This includes free resources to help upskill staff for administering medicines.
ATLAS eMAR are offering the following resources to help you upskill staff to administer medicines free of charge:
Free e-learning
We are providing our e-learning course free of charge to all care organisations. Whether upskilling existing carers or using volunteers, the e-learning course will provide all the necessary knowledge and concepts that are needed to enable safe administration and handling of medicines. There is also access to a competency assessment for managers to sign off individuals as competent. Simply contact us to have access enabled for free.
Free protocol for delegation of medicines administration
For Nursing Homes that are experiencing shortages of nurses, we are providing free access to our protocol for safe delegation of medicines administration to carers. This protocol, which has been evaluated, is in line with the recent CQC document on delegating medicines administration and won the Nursing Times award for Best Use of Technology in 2019. If you are interested in finding our more about the protocol please contact us.
To access either of these free resources, please contact us here.
And see Parts One and Three for information on recording and monitoring signs and symptoms of COVID-19 using ATLAS eMAR and how ATLAS eMAR helps to ensure continuation of medicines supplies.
Our work on the delegation of medicines administration with Cardiff University won the Nursing Times Award for Best Use of Technology in 2019